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Instant mobile gifting with personalized cards and social integration

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Gifticon revolutionizes the age-old tradition of gifting by introducing a digital solution that allows you to instantly send gifts that can be redeemed for real products through a recipient's mobile phone. This is perfect for a variety of occasions such as birthdays, congratulations, or when you want to offer thanks or consolation. The application adds a personal touch by enabling users to attach an emotional card with a gift, potentially even using their own photos to create a unique and heartfelt 'My Emotion Card.' This feature enhances the gifting experience significantly.

Moreover, 기프티콘 promotes a culture of reciprocity with its 'free Ticons' feature—letting users send and receive tokens of appreciation among friends, family, co-workers, and loved ones. It is designed to cater to various relationships by offering customized coupons, such as those for a complimentary meal or even a massage, enriching social bonds with thoughtful gestures.

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For those who might be unsure about the recipient's phone number, this platform acknowledges the rise of social media friendships and expands its capabilities to include contacts from platforms like KakaoTalk messenger. This ensures that no one is left out and that gestures of friendship can reach acquaintances on all levels.

The required access to phone services is for subscriber authentication and to verify device information. Moreover, there are optional permissions for smoother functionality, such as checking saved contacts for gifting, downloading gift coupons, image editing, and setting profile photos. Users can still engage with the service without granting these permissions, except for the features linked with them.

Should there be any support queries, they can be directed to 기프티콘's customer center, ensuring assistance is readily available, which helps to maintain a seamless and user-friendly experience.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by 11번가(주) Gifticon.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 5.0 or higher required

Information about 기프티콘 4.9.26

Package Name com.skmnc.gifticon
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Funny
Language English
Author 11번가(주) Gifticon
Downloads 86
Date Jul 31, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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Older versions

apk 4.9.25 Android + 5.0 May 29, 2024
apk 4.9.24 Android + 5.0 May 2, 2024
apk 4.9.23 Android + 5.0 Jan 11, 2024
apk 4.9.22 Android + 5.0 Dec 13, 2023
apk 4.9.21 Android + 5.0 Oct 14, 2023
apk 4.9.20 Android + 5.0 Oct 14, 2023

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